For Parents

Highly acclaimed evening presentations to parents.

These informative sessions take place on the completion of a day working with pupils and staff on “Get StudySmart!” Futuremind’s unique and motivational study skills workshops. The presentation explores how children learn and helps parents to understand how better to support learning in home and to create a coaching atmosphere. Handling difficulties and prep are included.

A key aspect is attending to the mental health of young people in the independent prep school system and particularly around grit and resilience and facing the 11+ where pressure is increasingly being applied don families.

David provides individual initial support to parents and children through his role as Director of Rafan House, 72 Harley Street, London where cross-referral can be made to the Rafan House family, child and adolescent team.

Quick links to relevant areas on website:
Get StudySmart!
Rafan House

“Thank you for your Grit & Resilience parent workshop last night – amazing stuff. I enjoyed my numerous Aha!/Yipee! learning experiences during the workshop and even today my daughter was still raving about the children’s session yesterday.”

Parent, Thomas’s, Fulham

“Very, very worthwhile. You were a lively, engaging presenter. You connected well with both children and grown-ups. Always a challenge in the evening after a long day. Lots of  interactive games which kept energies up.”

Parent, Churcher’s College Junior School, Liphook

”Extremely interesting session. I learned a lot about myself and my son.”

Parent, King’s House,  Richmond