
Working closely with Governors, Heads, Staff, Pupils and Parents, David Thomson offers a wide range of tailored services tackling all areas and phases of provision

Areas of consultancy support include:

  • Supporting Headship appointment.
  • Appraising Heads.
  • Taking school development planning and future strategy to the next level.
  • Supporting curriculum innovations.
  • Facilitating workshops and staff working groups on a wide range of issues – galvanising and enthusing staff from an external perspective.
  • Mentoring senior staff and Heads.
  • Supporting SLT appointments – process design, questions, candidate evaluation (including psychometrics), panel, in-tray exercises, feedback.
  • SLT development – eg, leadership, managing change, lesson observation and handling appraisal interviews.
  • Developing HOD leadership skills.
  • Delivering tailored staff INSET, eg, ‘Effective Questioning’, ‘Handling Difficult Parents’.
  • Motivating pupils and parents through ‘Get StudySmart’ workshops.

“Achieving ‘Excellent’ within our Teaching and Learning from ISI was very fulfilling. Utilising the Subject Review process by David Thomson had an incredible impact on our success.”

Jane Ashfold, Former DoS, Feltonfleet School

“We have found David’s departmental reviews of immense help. David’s ability to analyse and report on the learning in lessons is hugely helpful. He has a wealth of experience and is not afraid to challenge our ideas. The whole process has really helped improve our teaching and learning.”

Mark Turner, Headmaster, King’s House School, Richmond