Ready Steady Go!

Help your pupils crack ‘The Learning Code’ on an exciting Journey of Discovery with the Magical Mansion Gang – a pastoral approach to academic success.
Ideal for: • Getting ready for exams • PSHE • Transition • Small-group learning support.
Includes: Comprehensive Teacher’s Guide, Lesson Notes for 16 lessons & 45 Photocopy Masters.
Written by David Thomson. Published by LDA.
“Excellent, timely and imaginative. Children will love exploring their own ‘Magical Mansion’”
Dr David George. Educational Consultant for gifted and talented Children
“They loved it. Adored it. I loved it. I was amazed at what the weakest children expressed.”
Caryn Brown, Y5 teacher, Ballywalter Primary School, Northern Ireland
“RSG! had a distinct impact on the children who have low self-confidence academically. It is intelligent, well thought-out and researched. It complements a PSHE programme, study and revision skills and thinking skills courses.’