Senior and Headship Appointments
Making the right decision is hugely complex and often stakes are high. An external perspective and evaluation can be hugely valuable in supporting the Head and Governors.
Futuremind has advised on a wide range of appointment panels for differing academic and pastoral senior roles in a range of schools. David brings particular psychological and professional insight to evaluation and appraisal of candidates based on extensive experience in coaching hundreds of middle and senior leaders over 25 years.
The Futuremind appointments consultancy process includes in-tray exercises and psychometric evaluation providing in depth analysis and feedback for the panel.
“David’s work on our panels appointing senior leaders over the last few years has been an enormous help to our own internal decision making, His external viewpoint, extensive experience and deeply insightful evaluations add real value to our process.”
Prep School Head, Surrey
For a confidential discussion with David Thomson on what form of consultancy will suit best, please call direct on 07968831660 or send an email to