Excellent Teachers Do This!

This is Futuremind’s most popular inset/course.

Excellent teaching moves beyond the ordinary.

This course explores how staff can intentionally create excellent lessons on a more consistent basis by moving beyond the ordinary into different realms of practice.

Staff will reflect on and examine excellent practice: the psychological issues, the hidden dynamics of the classroom, status relationships, independence and direction, interactive behaviour, motivation, specific tasks, planning and all the other aspects that come together as the ’perfect day’ effect in a wonderful stimulating event in which all pupils make notable progress and achieve active engagement.

  • Increasing the frequency of your outstanding lessons
  • Acquiring the combination of practice and theory which creates outstanding learning
  • Development of your skills in creating higher-order thinking

“Very dynamic.”

“Engaging presentation & group work.”

“Hands-on practical ideas.”

“Thought-provoking and stimulating.”

To book a training event, please call 07968 831 660 to speak directly to David Thomson, or click the button below.

“Better never ends”  W E Demming